Posted by : Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

The path is one that is quite successful Social Media in Indonesia. Path managed to attract a lot of attention of the user, as evidenced by the current path has been used by more than 4 million people. Indonesia is an important and largest market for social networking. This is not the first time, before sosaial networks Facebook, Twitter and Instagram also were selling well among Indonesian users. Dave Moring as CEO of Path say this because of the high likelihood of success
use of the internet and social media in Indonesia. "Judging the two user data that globally, the population of Indonesia is the users of the internet and social media world number one,"
Morin said. Morin also revealed that the habit of Indonesia is relatively different users with users from other countries. Indonesia is very active users all share a lot of moments in the path, many users actually share a picture or photo memes which they are very entertaining. In mid-2013 the last picture in the post memes in Path enough to dominate, one example is adopted meme picture of Khong Guan Biscuit tin picture. According to Andreas Bezamat- Homer users in Indonesia has the value of creativity and sense of humor. In addition, the user Indonesia was very utilize all features footage music contains a status update on the Path, this feature allows users to share a song that was heard. In addition, the users Path in Indonesia was more frequent check-inclusive activity, probably because Indonesia is a country with diverse gegrafi that this activity is quite popular. Morin also added that the Indonesian people happy chat, it can be seen from the high use Path messaging services, including group messaging. Morin also asserts that the decision to increase the bats Path to 500 the number of friends is also based on the number of requests from users, especially some of the user who originated from Indonesia

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